《易•华文》动画周刊,创刊于2010年。配合新加坡教育科技发展总蓝图规划,根据教育部小学华文教学大纲,教学要求,教学进度,精心编制出版的多媒体动画数码教学材料。结合数码媒体的多媒体动画、电脑网络科技以及传统教学特性,融合了高科技的辅助教学手法,其多媒体动画特性、寓教于乐的学习方式、互动电子学习功能等,满足学校多媒体互动电子教学,Home-Based Learning计划、以及学生阅读训练、品德教育互动教材、课堂及课后自主学习等需要。显著的教学、学习效果,获得学校和家长的好评及踊跃订阅。
eChinese Magazine was first launch in January 2010. It is developed in accordance with the Singapore Masterplan for ICT in Education. It innovatively combine the features of digital media, multimedia animation, computer, network technology and traditional teaching pedagogy, integrate high technology-aided teaching practices to enable a more engaging, lively and interesting teaching, making learning easier and more effective. Users can access eChinese Magazine via network or mobile device anytime, anywhere.
eChinese Magazine, a comprehensive curriculum learning material that align with Singapore MOE syllabus, Primary school HUANLE HUOBAN Chinese textbook units and teaching progress, inclusive of full year Chinese and Higher Chinese curriculum contents, pedagogy, and assessment to enhance Chinese learning.
With the integration of traditional education pedagogy and the advantages of e-learning, use of network platform, multimedia features and e-learning functions, eChinese Magazine is the best syllabus-aligned online teaching and learning resources for teachers to conduct efficient e-learning lessons, and for students to have effective Home-based Learning (HBL).
根据课本单元,配合课堂教学过程,听、说、读、写全面学习。满足学生自主学习、Home-Based Learning 的需要。
★ 根据课文生字/词语/成语编写 — 课文同步故事:动画学习/篇章阅读/同步训练
★ 课文生字动画学习/有声词语手册
★ 听力和口试有声训练(包括朗读短文、看图说话、看录像说话、展示与讲述、看动画说话)
★ 写作训练:看图写句、写作指导、段落练笔、看图作文、范文等
★ 课文同步语文练习(自动批改、自动保存练习记录)包括华文 / 高级华文 / 基础华文。
★ 根据公民与道德教育编写 — 课文同步故事:动画学习/篇章阅读/同步训练
★ 动画阅读:国民教育、新闻事件、奇闻趣事
★ 动画阅读:节庆故事、名人故事、经典故事、文化与价值观