For Primary School Users

Your Best Teaching & Learning Companion

知识 • 悦读 综合阅读电子周刊在2025年全新改版,采用全新界面和模式。新增“内容模式”,将内容分类,同类内容整合一起,配合课本单元主题呈现,方便老师们在教学中直接、快捷地找到所需的辅助教学资源。同时保留了之前的“期数模式”,以配合老师和学生们的使用习惯。




知识 • 悦读 - 好朋友: 适合学前及小学一、二年级程度。
知识 • 悦读 - 知识画报: 适合小学三、四年级程度。
知识 • 悦读 - 知识报: 适合小学五 、六年级,及中一程度。

Zhishi.Funland Integrated Reading E-Magazine Features

Zhishi.Funland integrated Reading E-Magazine effectively combines digital media, animation, computer, network technology and traditional learning pedagogy, and integrates high-tech auxiliary teaching techniques. The engaging features of interactive reading make reading livelier and more interesting, making Chinese learning easier and more efficient, helping students to enhance all-round language ability and improve Chinese application and language skills, while inspiring their enthusiasm for Chinese learning.

Zhishi.Funland cultivate students' Chinese reading interest and reading habits, enhance comprehensive Chinese learning ability. At the same time, incorporate the textbooks knowledge, and enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing language application skills.

Zhishi.Funland E-Magazine synchronised with Hardcopy Reading Magazine HAO PENG YOU, ZHI SHI HUA BAO and ZHI SHI BAO.

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