E-Com Group of Companies (here known as "E-COM") has been committed to developing and providing educational content (both printed and digital), and interactive teaching and learning application software (both computer and mobile platforms) for over half a century.
It is our mission to research new learning technologies, exploit the learning potential of Information and Communication Technology, create innovative learning tools and methods, and share our knowledge and experience while nurturing established relationships with community organizations and schools.
E-Com Group of Companies (here known as "E-COM") has been committed to developing and providing educational content (both printed and digital), and interactive teaching and learning application software (both computer and mobile platforms) for over half a century.
E-COM is the market leader for educational content in Singapore. E-COM's educational brands Zhi Shi Bao®, Etutor®, and Success Publications® have a good reputation, visibility, and influence in Singapore.
Chee Sze Poh Press, E-COM's most well-known subsidiary, was established in Singapore in 1965, and has been actively involved in the Singapore educational sector for 58 years. The prominent history of its printed publications is well recognized by generations of Singaporeans who have grown up with them.
Since launching Singapore's first Chinese comprehensive e-learning portal, eZhishi.com for primary schools in 2001, E-COM has been a leader in using digital technology for language teaching and learning, as well. E-COM produces a series of educational products and services including a Teaching & Learning portal, an Animated magazine, a Digital Reading magazine, mobile learning apps (both iOS & Android) and more.
For many years, E-COM has cooperated and worked closely with schools, education authorities and members of the private sector, such as the Singapore Ministry of Education, large numbers of Singapore government primary schools, the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL), Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, and many others. Our highly specialized team, quality products, outstanding service, and excellent cooperation are well recognized by our clients and partners.
E-COM's educational products have also reached out to Southeast Asian countries, Australia, Japan, China, and the United States. As we strive to be a center of excellence for supplementary education, our responsibility to society is rooted in our hearts. It is our mission to research new learning technologies, exploit the learning potential of Information and Communication Technology, create innovative learning tools and methods, and share our knowledge and experience while nurturing established relationships with community organizations and schools.
艺通控股属下公司(以下简称“艺通公司”),致力于新加坡教育事业超过50年。公司专注于教育内容编写与出版;数码教学资源开发与供应;线上教学平台与电子辅助学习产品开发,以及多媒体互动教学、移动学习等数码科技在教育领域的应用,是新加坡线上、线下教育内容开发与供应的领导者,旗下教育品牌——知识报®、Etutor®、Success® 是新加坡具有良好信誉、知名度与影响力的教育品牌。
艺通公司所出版的《知识报》《知识画报》《好朋友》《新列车》《新天地》《新朋友》学生刊物,近80% 新加坡全国小学订阅,是新加坡最具影响力、最多学生订阅的课外读物。
2001年创办的新加坡第一个线上华文教学平台——知识网,是目前新加坡最主要、全国范围近80% 政府小学长期订阅、使用的小学华文线上教学资源与应用平台。Etutor®自主电子辅助教学教育品牌,引领新加坡资讯科技教育应用的潮流,始终保持在新加坡教育市场的领先地位。所研发、制作、供应的线上线下教学资源、有声辅助教学产品,以及独创的传统教材与数码教材一体化,教育融合科技,线上线下相辅相承的教学模式,显著的教学效果,除了获得新加坡学校及家长的好评及踊跃订阅,在东南亚各国、美国等国家同样受到欢迎,海外订户包括美国公立学区、私立学校和周末中文学校、东南亚地区的新加坡国际学校等。